martes, 11 de abril de 2017

asedio de fellin

ENGLISH (based on Henrici Chronicon Livoniae, R. Bartlett, The Making of Europe, E. Christiansen, The Northern Crusade, W. Urban, The Baltic Crusade)

(...) Entering the Sakalian region they found men, women and children in their houses in every settlement and village; and they killed everyone they found from sunrise 'till sunset, even women and children and three hundred of the best men and leaders of Sakala, not to mention many others. They killed until their hands and arms were tired for the extraordinary massacre of people.

(...) Rusins, back into the fort of Beverin, opened his mouth and said: "The sons of my sons will announce to their sons until the third or fourth generation what massacre Rusins brought among the Sakalians".

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